Our Strengths
We are all unique in the eyes of God and together we enjoy, aspire and achieve by showing
respect, resilience, reconciliation and responsibility
- Our reading, writing and mathematics SATs progress and attainment results, at the end of KS2 over the past 7 years, have been well above national figures with very impressive progress scores in 2019, 2022 and 2023. Only teacher assessment took place in 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic
- The achievement of the PPG pupils at the end of KS2 over time in reading, writing and mathematics
- Progress from baseline data of the pupils in our nursery and reception classes and their impressive achievement over time to meet and exceed national expectations
- Behaviour, safety and pastoral care continue to be outstanding with no exclusions in the past 16 years
- Sporting achievement over the past 9 years, particularly in netball (5x Westminster Champions)
- Our successful community cohesion events
- Strong links with St. Paul's Church
- Partnerships and links with other schools, parents and external agencies
- Progression in key art themes across the school
- The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles; Healthy Schools Silver Award, the Sustainable Travel GOLD Award (2019) and the GOLD Games Mark (2019 & 2020).
- The school's internal financial management (FMSIS) graded with substantial assurance in 2013 , 2016 an 2021
- Development of the whole child - personal, social, emotional, spiritual, moral and cultural including British values
- OFTED grading in 2019 - OUTSTANDING in all areas
- The range of extended school opportunities on offer: daily breakfast club, daily after school activity club, arts and crafts, sports, music tuition, booster classes and homework club