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Meet the Governors



Dear Parents and Friends 


Christ Church Bentinck is a happy place, where learning is both fun and successful. It manages the task of combining a religious foundation with being fully inclusive, welcoming children from all sections of the local community and of all abilities.


Academically the school performs very well. The latest official national test (SATS) results were fantastic, with our Year 6 pupils obtaining above national averages in reading, writing and mathematics for both progress and attainment. These amazing results have been achieved through a vast amount of carefully planned, individualized teaching to meet the needs of all groups. We work hard to maintain our very high attendance and punctuality levels, with support from all our parents.


But the school is more than just a place for learning. We have our 'Healthy School Status' and will continue to work with both parents and children to maintain this.  We have recently gained the Gold Sustainable Travel Award, which means our children understand the need to look after themselves, by keeping fit and healthy, as well as the need to look after the environment.  The school has also recently achieved the Gold Games Mark. As well as the core curriculum, the children in KS2 are taught a modern foreign language: pupils in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have enjoyed learning Spanish. Outside lessons, our extended school programme offers a range of after-school and community-based activities to foster creativity and curiosity.


Our wonderful Head Teacher, Mrs Tyrrell, ensures calm and efficient day-to-day management within the school, and works hard to foster links with the local community. It is she and her staff – including support staff – who make the school the successful, welcoming place that it is, and we respect their hard work and cheerfulness. I would also like to thank our volunteers, who freely give their time to the school to help individual children in areas such as reading and mathematics. Together, this network creates a unique environment of support for the children and their families, which the Governors greatly value.


The school achieved a rating of "OUTSTANDING" by Ofsted in February 2019. This is a true testament to the hard work of all members of our school community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the school continued its tradition of excellence by ensuring that all children were able to maintain their learning and achievements despite the challenging environment.


Feedback from parents on what you think about the school and how you would like us to develop is always welcome. Do feel free to write in with your comments to Mrs Tyrrell or to the Governors, or come to one of the informal meetings for all parents that the school organizes on a regular basis.


We are very proud of our school, and hope that you are too.


Susannah Robinson

Chair of Governors 


Clerk Ms Emma Brooker
Headteacher  1/1 Mrs Sandra Tyrrell
Staff governor 1/1 Mrs Rowena  Leddy
Foundation   1/7
Rector ex off
 Rev Clare Dowding
LDBS   1/2 Vacant
LDBS 2/2 Mr Brandon Soeiro
PCC   1/2

 Mrs Sue Smith  

PCC  2/2 Mrs Lana  Awaily (Vice Chair)
D/Synod 1/2 Vacant
D/Synod 2/2 Ms Helen Richardson  
LA   1/1 Miss Susannah Robinson (Chair)
Elected parents 1/2         Mrs Sherry Robbins
Elected parents  2/2Mrs Fatima Lowri

Structure of the Governing Body

Governors visit our school, have a good understanding of our school's vision, ethos and strategic direction and support the school to provide high-quality education for pupils

THE IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - The Governors looked at the work in books to monitor the impact of the school's Marking and Presentation Policies.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Governors viewed evidence of our broad and balanced curriculum during a learning walk.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Some of our Governors accompanied families on the Floating Classroom during the half term break.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Members of the Curriculum and Assessment Committee looked at samples of literacy and numeracy work that illustrated pupils working at greater depth. We are actively working to increase the number of pupils exceeding age related expectations.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Governors know the school well.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Members of the PPPC committee were looking at the standard of work in RE books, Portfolios and whole school RE writing folders. The governors enjoyed looking at the range of creative work taking place in RE and the opportunities for extended writing.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Clare Dowding came to view the talk performances of Year 5 pupils as they shared their creative school playground designs. This session followed input from members of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Clare was able to listen to the pupils' ideas and feedback to governors.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Mrs Savage visits the Reading Garden and listens to readers.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Lana (elected parent governor) attended the reading workshop for parents. She was able to appreciate how the school is promoting creative ways of teaching reading at home.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Clare, our rector, leading the Harvest Service at St. Paul's Church with pupils reading prayers, singing in the choir and displaying the harvest message. Clare also leads the weekly whole school assembly on Monday mornings.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - June Savage, our Deanery Synod governor, viewing RE lessons across the school. Mrs Savage is also our safeguarding governor and has been an active member of our interviewing panel.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Developing close links with the Church

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Mr Harris, our staff governor, promotes competitive sport and the importance of keeping fit and healthy. We have been Westminster netball champions four times over a six year period.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Lana, a parent governor, actively supports our fund raising events and works very closely with our school home support worker to promote home school partnerships. Lana also does a lot of voluntary work in her link class, the nursery.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - Samantha Spring, the Chair of Governors is a member of three committees: the Parents, Pupils, Parish and Community committee, the Leadership and Management committee and the Curriculum and Assessment committee. Mrs Spring knows the school very well and has an important role in both supporting and challenging the school. Mrs Spring meets regularly for assessment updates to ensure there is an ongoing focus on raising standands. She is also involved in learning walks to gain first hand experience of teaching and learning and work scrutiny sessions. As an extremely pro-active member of the governing body, her attendance at site meetings during the expansion programme has been invaluable and greatly appreciated.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNORS - The governors have encouraged the school to continue to develop links with local universities. Over the past three years, our Year 6 cohorts have worked in partnership with The University of Westminster.

The Chair of Governors, Samantha Spring, met with Neil Roper (assistant headteacher) to look at how we track progress and attainment across the school. Now that the school is no longer using levels, we are tracking progress against assessment objects on our 3BM SMART tracking system. This allows us to view and analyse the progress and attainment of whole cohorts, individuals and identified groups. Appropriate steps are taken to accelerate progress and raise standards.
