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Learning about the liturgy through Year 5's a visit to St. Paul's Cathedral

RE - Trips, Visits and Enrichment

Whole School RE Day 2022 - The Bible's Big Story


Whole School RE Day 2021 based around our Vision including our values - pupils taking responsibility for worship

"Happy Easter" - Our Easter end of term 4 assembly with our Easter bonnets / hats

Ordinary Time - Our Father

Our Mission Statement

The distinctive Christian Character of CCB

We are all unique in the eyes of God

The Golden Rule is important in many religions and cultures. It helps people to treat each other with respect - as they would like to be treated themselves.

IMPACT OF THE WORK OF THE GOVERNERS - Members of the Parents, Pupils, Parish and Community Committee (PPPC) looked at the quality of work in RE books, Portfolios and the whole school writing folders to monitor standards across the school. The governors also found out more about our successful RE day. They scrutinised and celebrated the range of creative work taking place in RE and were pleased with the increased opportunites for extended writing.
