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2024 OFSTED 'Outstanding' - 2023 SIAMS 'amazing outcomes' - FREE NURSERY PLACES AVAILABLE
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I can write my name.

We drew Max, the character of the story Where the wild things are. The code 6 makes him walk.

In the story Where the wild things are, the setting is in a forest. We drew a forest and the character Max in it. an you spot Max?

Today we have been reading stories to our friends by looking at the pictures and describing what we could see.

Practicing our handwriting

We listened to the story Man on the moon and we drew a picture about the story

We ordered the Christmas story

We are writing our names.

We are writing about the Annunciation.

We are retelling the story of Annunciation.

We are learning to write the number 2.

Still image for this video

I enjoy reading the Christmas story.

We enjoy sharing a book together.

We are practicing writing some slanting lines.

I like reading.

mark making in the shaving foam tray

We enjoy mark making.

We are talking about our friend. We draw our friend.

I like reading.

This is my family.

I am beginning to give meaning to my marks.

markmaking during freeflow

Writing area
