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Our seed has grown. We are measuring it using a block.

We are learning to measure distance.

The Reception pupils measured how far they can jump and used sticks to measure the distance.

We are learning to order numbers.

Exploring Space and reasoning using the Busy Things program

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We are learning about corners.

Still image for this video

We are looking at the edges of real objects.

We are learning to compare weights.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We are learning to make teen numbers.

Z wrote the numbers 1 to 100 by himself.

We are grouping shapes according to the number of sides.

We are ordering sizes of animals from the smallest to the biggest using the Busy Things program.

We are ordering objects according to their number from the smallest to the biggest value.

The Reception class is learning to measure using blocks.
