In Maths we are looking at fractions.
We made 'pizzas' and cut them up into smaller parts to help us understand fractions like 1/2, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4.
This was a fun way to help us understand the equivalence of certain fractions, like 1/2 and 2/4.
This week we have been looking at 3D shapes.
We sorted them by their properties using different criteria...
Square faces and no square faces; vertices and no vertices; flat faces and curved faces; triangular faces and square faces.
This week in maths we have been looking at words to describe position and direction.
We used words like left, right, between, above, beneath, on top of, in front of, behind, next to, inside and outside to describe where things are.
We also programmed Beebots to travel around different mazes in the classroom.
We had to think about directions, different kinds of turns and say the positional language as the Beebots moved.
This was a fun and practical way to work together to explore the vocabulary associated with position.
We have been looking at 2D shapes and thinking about their properties.
We learned that it is important to count the sides of a shape to help identify it, because not all hexagons (for example) look the same.
We sorted 2D shapes in different ways using a Venn diagram.
Some of the sorting criteria we used were:
corners/ no corners; 4 sides/not 4 sides; straight sides/curved sides and symmetry/no line symmetry.
In maths we have been looking at the value of each digit in a number.
We worked in pairs to make various numbers using Dienes equipment, place value cards and part-whole models.
We even compared some of the numbers we made using the greater then, less than and equals symbols.