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NEW UPDATE! 11/07/2019 Personal, Social and Emotional Development

5 speckled frogs song

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We can play cooperatively.

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We have decided to make boats out of the available junk materials.

L retelling the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar 24/05/2019

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We enjoy Music. 01/05/2019

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My Movie.mp4

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The chicks in school are a few days old. We are very brave to hold / touch it.

World Book Day celebration

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To celebrate the World Book Day the Year 6 children teamed up with the Reception class for buddy reading. They shared a storybook together.

Y, I, G, and N.mp4

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I is growing confident in expressing his idea and want.

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We are learning to work cooperatively.

We are learning to share and take turns with the new resources.

EYFS Christmas disco

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popstarz disco.MOV.mp4

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A, J and M dancing to the music Rasputin

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F, M, A and N dancing during freeflow

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I can tell something about my feelings.

We are learning yoga.
