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NEW UPDATE! 24/06/2019 Expressive Arts and Design

We are using junk materials to make a boat.



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We pretend to play a racing game on playstation. We made our controls using the lego. 26/04/2019

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We made our own musical instruments out of junk materials.

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Look, we made musical instruments using junk materials.

We are learning to mix colours. We are painting a seascape picture.

We made dragons for the Chinese New Year.

It is snowing so we thought of showing our experience using paint and oil pastels.

The children learned about the story of Zaccheus in RE. He is a very short man who wants to see Jesus. The children think of making something to elevate him and help him see Jesus better.

M enjoys making models using the mobilo. He copies the models on the cards.

We enjoyed our Christmas disco.

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R dancing.mp4

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R dancing

N, A and L dancing to the music Aladdin

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We made firework pictures for Diwali. We used paint, chalk and glitter.

We painted poppy flowers for Remembrance Day.

I pretend I am the teacher.

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