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2024 OFSTED 'Outstanding' - 2023 SIAMS 'amazing outcomes' - FREE NURSERY PLACES AVAILABLE
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Personal, Social & Emotional Development

This week we talked about special people who live with us, our family and how we can look after them. We made family portraits.

This week we have learned how to wash our hands properly.

In our nursery we are learning to put our coats on by ourselves and we ask for help if we can not do it.

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We can work as a team

Today we were learning about how to look after others (family, friends etc.)

This week we are learning about healthy eating. We helped our friend Tobby the sheep to choose healthy options for his birthday party and we tasted different food. Everything was delicious.

Today we learned about traffic signs and their meaning. We made our own signs and we stack them outside to keep everybody safe.

This week we were safety detectives and we explore the outdoor area looking for danger.

This week we learned about people who help us in our community.

We made a funny tummy picture to recreate how we feel when we are not safe or unhappy

This week we have been learning about people who care about us


We watched the story of Elmer the Elephant. We talked about how all the elephants decorate themselves to include Elmer; this was to celebrate Elmer’s differences and special qualities. By making themselves colourful and patterned the elephants showed Elmer he is part of the herd (group).

We worked together to construct this model.

We are all different!

We learned that we are all different. We listened to the story of Elmer the elephant. Then we mixed colours. We found that our colours are different.

I can wait for my turn using the sand timer.

I am developing resilience.

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My Movie.mp4

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We enjoy role playing.

We can work together to fill this bottle up.

I am learning to sit on the carpet with the whole class.

I enjoy building using the wooden blocks.

We enjoy dressing up.

We enjoy dancing.

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Y is very focused and determined to complete the task.

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Y is developing focus and attention.

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We enjoy dancing.

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I can help my friend.

role playing outdoors

Our first week of school

We can play with our new friends.
