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Year 3 Science Day 2020 - The Sneeze Zone

Year 3 Science - Year 3 have been identifying parts of the eye and their functions

Year 3 Science - Investigating which material blocks light (opaque) the best for a pair of curtains

Year 3 Science - Reflecting using mirrors

Year 3 Science - We have been investigating which material is the most reflective and why.

Year 3 Science - Light & Dark 'Light Sources and Not Light Sources'

Year 3 Science - Animals Including Humans 'Identifying bones in a human skeleton'

Year 3 Science - Soil & Compost

Year 3 Science - Soil Permeability

Year 3 - Science - Sorting rocks according to their properties

Science - ROCKS - Year 3 have been learning about the three different types of natural rocks and to sort these natural rocks from 'man-made rocks'.
