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Exploring what 'Inheritance' means in Science

30 seconds to collect as many food items as you can

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Using the 'tweezer' beak type

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Investigating how different beak types affect the type of food collected

Finding out more about the circulatory system by creating a board game

Starting a new topic: Animals including humans (the circulatory system)

Investigation part 2: creating own area for investigation

Investigation time: does wire length affect a component in a circuit?

Let there be light

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Adding a buzzer to a circuit

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Adding a motor to a circuit

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A motor in action within a circuit

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Buzzers all around

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Investigating differing voltages in a circuits and their effects on components

Interactive Science Bingo in action...who will win?

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Secret messages using filters

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Secret messages using filters

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Fun with Filters in Science

The vanishing act

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As if by magic, the arrow has changed direction (due to the refraction of light)

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Science: exploring periscopes and reflection
