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Year 6: Science Museum Trip

Year 2 - Materials: Year 2 went on a learning walk in our local area to see how different materials are being used in our environment.

Year 4 - Sound: Year 4 have been learning about how sounds are produced and how they travel from the sound source all the way to our ears.

Year 5- The Solar System: Watch and see how the planets rotate and orbit in a heliocentric model (including Neptune, Uranus, the Moon and the Asteroid belt)

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Year 2- Living things & their habitats: Learning about life processes carried out by living things and exploring things that were living, dead or that had never been alive in our school's playground

Nursery- Understanding of the World: Nursery class have been learning about how to look after their teeth

Year 4 - States of Matter: Exploring how water changes state

Year 5- Forces: Year 5 explored the effects of Air resistance acting on objects, deciding which size and material would make the most suitable parachute!

Year 1 - Sorting materials according to their properties

Year 6 - Trip to London Zoo!

Year 3 - Science Day

Year 3- Planting sunflower seeds with cross-curricular links to art

Stereotypes in science- A visit from a neuroscientist

A scientist from Sublime Science visited CCB for British Science Week. The children took part in very exciting workshops full of fizz, bang and pop (and of course some science learning too)! They made sherbet to eat, launched a rocket and played 'keepy uppy' with smoke filled bubbles. Also, all of the children made slime to take home. We had so much fun!

Science Primary National Curriculum Science for years 1 - 6

Science club Week 7...Balloon rockets


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Science club Week 5...Making a catapult and catapult competition

Science club Week 3...Acid or Alkali?

Sorting solids, liquids and gases in Year 4

Hands on Science in Reception class.........playing with ice, sensory foam and Polar habitats
