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Year 2

Well done you've found Year 2's class page!


Track, explore and enjoy our learning journey with us .... 


Miss Upfield, Mrs Finlay and Mrs Fernandez




History: We worked in groups to order the most significant British Monarchs ...

Maths: We used Bee Bots to help explore the vocabulary associated with position ...

Gymnastics: Look how much progress we have made ...

Science: We matched animals and their babies and completed an investigation to work out whether children get faster as they get older!

History: We are learning about Kings and Queens this term ...

Maths investigation and using money to help us understand tens and ones ...

Talk Homework: We talked about a special item from home for our 'show and tell' ...

Black History Month: We celebrated by dancing to 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'

RE Day: We explored the theme of promises ...

Maths: We have been using Maths games to help improve our subitising skills ...

Science: We visited Broadley Street Gardens to find things that are living, dead and never alive!

Handwriting: It is so important that we practise our joins ...

PE: Dance and Gymnastics - we love keeping active in Year 2 ...

Come and meet Year 2 - look what we got up to during our first week back!
